ywca clark county serves the community through seven vital programs. Each program is entirely unique, and while indirect costs vary between programs, all share the need for trained volunteers, a place to work, insurance, IT and administrative support.
In 2011, volunteers provided a much needed 38,741 hours of service. Indirect costs include the salary of our employees that work hard to recruit, train and retain these valuable service-members. Without a safe place to provide advocacy and support, ywca could not provide service to those who have experienced sexual assault and domestic violence. Insurance is essential for every program, as it helps to maintain and support professional staff who in-general receive lower wages than those employed in the for-profit sector. Development (fundraising) and communication is as necessary for running an effective NPO as are marketing and sales for a for profit firm. Without IT support, lines of efficient and effective communication can crumble quickly. Finally, administrative support is essential to every program, as well as to the management and support of a fully functioning organization.
Recently, Boeing donated $2,310 to general operations at ywca clark county. When donors like Boeing recognize this type of need and respond to it, we are especially grateful. As seekers of freedom, justice and dignity for all, we understand it takes a variety of perspectives to achieve a mission of equality and empowerment. So, we are inspired, encouraged and empowered when our supporters choose to recognize and support our entire mission. If you would like to talk with the ywca about how you can help support this essential aspect of our organization, please contact Shawna Burkholder, Director of Development and Communications at 360 906 0123 or at sburkholder@ywcaclarkcounty.org.
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