Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ywca SafeChoice Program restructures to ensure vital services

Director of SafeChoice, Debra Adams proposed a restructure plan for the SafeChoice Domestic Violence Program which included her departure after 11 years of employment with ywca clark county. The plan eliminates Adams’ position and applies core tasks to Shelter Manager, Debbi Cawthon and Assistant Director of SafeChoice, Lee Watts. Cawthon and Watts’ titles will change respectively as SafeChoice Director of Shelter Services and SafeChoice Director of Community Services.

With ywca facing State budget cuts, and having already lost about $50,000 a year in funding from Clark County, Debra felt that a restructure of the program she’s nurtured for so long was the most efficient way to ensure quality services remain intact. Sherri Bennett, Executive Director accepted the proposal, and Debra’s last day will be February 1, 2012.

While addressing staff on the topic Debra stated, “This was a plan proposed by me, because I recognized the need for reductions, because I am dedicated to the success of the program, because I love the program and the agency, and because I have such strong faith in Debbi and Lee as leaders and (in) all of you as advocates.”

Debra is the ultimate advocate for change. A survivor of domestic violence, she began volunteering with ywca in 1994, and was first employed at the shelter in 1999. Debra held four positions in the SafeChoice Program before being promoted to director in 2005. While serving as director, Debra initiated a myriad of changes which lead to the growth of the program including implementing policies to make the shelter a comfortable place for all participants and welcoming survivors of domestic violence regardless of their gender or sexual identity.

“Debra’s service to ywca clark county has been immeasurable. The restructure plan that she presented is a testament to her dedication to the organization and the community,” said Sherri Bennett, Executive Director.

ywca clark county will host a celebration of Debra’s service to the community. Please contact April at 360 906 4303 or awestfall@ywcaclarkcounty.org if you would like to join us in celebrating this amazing and talented woman.

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